There are many more uses for waste management stickers than you may assume. Sure, everyone associates the stickers with their neighborhood truck that conveniently comes and removes their trash every week but many companies can certainly put them to use as well. Unless your business is a small office building who has their trash disposed of by their cleaning crew, you may need waste management stickers more than you think.
Today it seems as though anyone can sue a business for nearly anything, no matter how absurd the reason may seem. While you may assume children should know not to play in or around a waste container, for whatever reason, it happens. Applying waste management stickers that clearly say to not play in the area will protect you from a lawsuit should an unfortunate accident occur.
Other waste management stickers that could protect you from liability regarding accidents with employees and others are those that say Do Not Load Over Top of Container, Maximum Loading Level, Stand Clear When Container is Being Lifted, Watch Overhead Lines, Do Not Enter, Hazardous Waste, Toxic Waste, Keep Clear of Tailgate at All Times, Stop Engine and Remove Ignition Key Before Entering, Truck Backs Without Warning, This Compactor Starts Automatically, Do Not Operate Compactor While Feeding Material, Do Not Operate Without Guards in Place and This Equipment Will Maim or Kill. waste management stickers not only protect you, they could save the life of someone who doesn't realize the severity of the contents or the danger of the equipment.
If you have a dumpster in a parking lot, on a job site, etc., there are waste management stickers that will ensure that it gets emptied on schedule. It's truly frustrating when your local waste removal company comes to empty your bin and there's vehicles parked in front or around it. Of course, they're on a time schedule and while you may be able to talk them into coming back, there's no guarantee that the vehicle will be moved. If you have waste management stickers displayed in an easy to see location, you can absolutely have the vehicle towed for blocking it.
A few of the most common waste management stickers that you can find at WasteStickers.com include No Parking-Violators will be Towed at Owner's Expense, Private Dumpster-Not for Public Use, Private Use Only-Violators will be Prosecuted, Private Container-No Outside Dumping, Warning No Garbage, Do Not Block Container, Do Not Park-Towaway Zone, Do Not Park in Front of this Container and No Dumping-$500 Fine.
Customize It
Have a whole fleet of waste containers or vehicles, why not have customized waste management stickers made? WasteStickers.com can make them to read whatever you want in various sizes from 12x18 up to 18x26. You message will be screen printed onto white vinyl that is guaranteed to be superior quality and stand up against harsh environmental elements. To place a bulk order or if you have questions, you can contact them at info@WasteStickers.com or call them at 800-331-9061.
If you simply want to get a better idea of the extensive collection of waste management stickers that they have available, visit WasteStickers.com. Something as simple as a sticker really can have a huge impact protecting you, your business and your community.