​Why Safety Stickers, Caution Stickers, and Danger Decals Are So Important To Your Business - Waste Stickers
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​Why Safety Stickers, Caution Stickers, and Danger Decals Are So Important To Your Business

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As the old 1960s song goes, “Sign, sign, everywhere a sign.” That great song by...wait a second, who sang that? Searching, searching… the Five Man Electric Band...huh, that’s news to us.

Anyway, it’s true. There are signs everywhere you look, and many of them are to protect people from causing harm to themselves or to others. That’s what we're here to discuss why it’s so important to keep your warning signs as up-to-date and in as good a condition as possible. It’s not just the employees that you’re protecting, and it’s not just the equipment. It could be your entire business!

Protect Yourself

If you put up a sign, you’ll always follow it, right? Not necessarily. We all forget to follow the rules at one time or another, and that’s why it’s important to always have the right signs in place to remind you, and not just your employees, of what the right protocol is.

Let’s say, for instance, that you recently went to an HR meeting with all employees reminding them that it is against company policy to use cell phones in any way while in a company vehicle. Even though you agreed to that (and probably signed a piece of paper to that effect), you might “conveniently forget” next time you’re in the cab of the truck. But if you see a sticker right on the dash reminding you to not use your cell, you might have second thoughts and put it back in your pocket.

Protect Your Employees

Employees deserve to know what kind of situation they’re getting into. You can’t rely on “the word will get around” that a specific container tips over if not loaded evenly. And you can’t always rely on training to make them remember to put the safety chain in place when getting on the scissor lift. What you need are warning decals that are a constant reminder to them that they need to be safe at all times.

Oh, and let’s not forget that employees deserve protection no matter the language they speak. We can custom print a warning sticker or decal in any language that your employees need. If you need a sticker in Spanish, we already have a number from which to choose.

Keep Yourself out of Legal Trouble

Warning stickers are a great first step in keeping you out of legal trouble should an employee not follow protocol. In the event of an accident, it’s important to document the fact that the warning stickers were in place and that the employee willfully ignored that warning. While it certainly doesn’t create an air-tight legal argument, it’s one part of the assurance that you run a safe workplace.

While it’s very unfortunate that the employee was injured, it’s also important to protect your business. You’ve completed your part in warning them, and their choice to ignore the warning of the safety stickers could protect your company’s future.

Keep Insurance Premiums Down

It’s not news that insurance premiums keep going up and up. There are dozens of reasons for this, but on a micro level (that is, how your claims affect your rates next year), you want to avoid as many accidents as possible. If you’re constantly reminding your employees about the dangers in the workplace, they’re more likely to stay safe and reap the benefits of better insurance rates during the next year.

What’s one way to get employees to pay attention to safety signs and caution stickers? Update them! A brand new sticker on an old container will grab their attention, reminding them of their responsibilities to stay safe. Find exactly what you need right here!

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